Building Your Financial House - Set your foundation with commercial-free information about money
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The Building Your Financial House Program

We are so glad you are here!  Building Your Financial House (BYFH) is a program designed to help Pennsylvanians build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make sound financial decisions for themselves and their families.  Sound financial decisions increase the likelihood for sustained financial stability, to secure safe and stable housing, and to achieve better health outcomes and higher quality of life.  Congratulations on your efforts to bring that to your community through financial education!

BYFH is a comprehensive financial education program based on the
core competencies of financial capability as established by the US Treasury’s Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC).  The program consists of seven modules, addressing investing in personal asset development and setting goals, maximizing earnings, spending sensibly and money mapping, minimizing taxes, saving and investing, protecting assets, and borrowing as an investment.  The curriculum is a compilation of widely available, quality financial education materials, original content, and vetted resources.  The curriculum is designed according to adult learning principles, using common language, engaging activities, homework challenges, and empowerment to apply what is learned.

PHFA began testing BYFH in 2012.   The goal was to show the utility of a seven-module financial education program to strengthen our work in providing access to affordable housing across the commonwealth.  BYFH has been tested in a number of subsidized multi-family developments, pre-purchase homeownership programs, at-risk homeowners with energy reduction efforts, and veterans transitioning from homelessness, and incarceration.   

Session Time and Schedule
BYFH was designed as a series of eight, two-hour sessions, to be delivered over several months, ideally monthly from September to May.  Planning two hours for each session allows ample time for a recap of the previous session, presenting the new topic, activities, and discussion.  The ideal day and time to offer the sessions is dependent upon the needs of your audience and staff availability.  The more convenient the time and location is for your audience, the more likely to attract and retain participants.  Keep in mind that scheduling over several months may coincide with sports season, holidays, adverse weather conditions, etc.

Target Audience
BYFH has been presented to a variety of audiences, but their commonality was at-risk, low-to-moderate income circumstances.  The concepts are basic and the curriculum materials are appropriate for individuals at or above an eighth grade reading level.  The program presents a case study which uses the story of a struggling single mother to display the applicability of all topics with  low-income, at-risk populations.  We believe the curriculum may be of particular interest to programs serving victims of domestic violence, ex-offenders, veterans, Family Self-Sufficiency clients, unemployed and vocational rehabilitation clients, and public assistance recipients.  We challenge organizations to offer the program as part of their wrap around services.  

PHFA is pleased to offer on-site train-the-trainer sessions for BYFH.  Click here for more information or to schedule a training.   

Click here to access the curriculum, including a complete introduction and program guide.*

*There is also a companion version which has been adapted specifically for the reentry population. 
Click here to access the Ex-Offender Reentry curriculum.